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Gateway to Victory,
Nov. 24-25, 1863

Exclusive Rules

Copyright © 1975, Decision Games


[13.0] Introduction

Chattanooga is a tactical level simulation of the battle between General Ulysses Grant, commanding the Armies of the Cumberland and of the Tennessee, and General Braxton Bragg, commanding the Army of Tennessee.

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[14.0] Initial Deployment Chart

On the Initial Deployment and Reinforcement Chart, an "a" following the unit's Strength means that the unit is artillery; a "c" means cavalry; all other unspecified units are infantry.

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[14.1] Union Army

Hex Strength
1704 5 1/2/Xv
1604 5 2/2/Xv
1705 4 1/2/Xvii
1605 4 322/Xvii
1506 4 3/2/Xvii
1606 5 1/4/Xv
1507 5 2/4/Xv
1304 1a Sherman
1204 6 1
0907 6c 2
0807 4c 3
1712 3 1/3/Xi
1713 6 1/3/Iv
1714 6 2/3/Iv
1715 6 3/3/Iv
1717 5 1/1/Xiv
1718 5 2/1/Xiv
1611 3 2/3/Xi
1612 4 1/2/Xi
1614 6 1/2/Iv
1615 6 2/2/Iv
1618 5 3/1/Xiv
1513 4 2/2/Xi
1514 3 3/3/Xi
1514 4a XI
1518 6 1/3/Xiv
1519 6 2/3/Xiv
1417 4a XII
1419 6 3/3/Xiv
1320 6 1/2/Xiv
1220 6 2/2/Xiv
1214 5a XIV
1016 5a Reserve
0921 4a XV
0522 5 1/1/Xv
0524 5 2/1/Xv
0425 9 1/1/Iv
0426 9 2/1/Iv

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[14.2] Confederate Army

Hex Strength
2004 3 Liddell
2305 5 Polk
2305 4 Wright
2106 5 Smith
2207 2a Calvert
2109 5 Lowrey
2209 1a Martin
2110 5 Wilson
2210 5 Gist
2311 4 Vaughan
2312 4 Andrsn (Anderson)
2412 1a Hindman
2313 5 Deas
2413 3 Adams
2314 3 Mnigalt (Manigault)
2315 3 Lewis
2415 1a Slocumb
2316 4 Bates
2317 1a Cobb
2317 3 Finley
2318 5 Quarles
2418 2a Reserve
2321 2a Smith
2219 4 Reynold
2121 3 Strahl
2021 5 Stovall
2023 2a Sanford
1822 4 Cumming
1723 5 Jackson
1523 4 Brown
1323 3 Maney
1222 5 Moore
1124 5 Pettus
1025 1a Corput
0926 4 Clayton
0724 3 WIthil (Walthall)

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[14.3] Player Sequence


The Union Player is the First Player. His Player-Turn is the first in every Game-Turn.


The game consists of ten Game-Turns. Game-Turn Five is a Night Game-Turn.

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[15.0] Reinforcements

General Rule:

The Union Player receives reinforcements according to the Reinforcement Chart. These units must arrive during the Union Player's Movement Phase of Game-Turn Two and are placed on the edge of the map in one of the specified hexes.

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[15.1] Restrictions


The Union Player may bring his reinforcement units onto the map at any time during his Movement Phase of Game-Turn Two.


Reinforcing units may not enter an entry hex which is also an Enemy controlled hex. If the reinforcing units are not able to enter the map on Game-Turn Two, they are considered eliminated and count as Union units eliminated for Victory Conditions.


Each reinforcing unit must expend the necessary Movement Point cost for the terrain to enter the entry hex.


Once a unit has entered the map, it may move and attack freely, just as any other unit already present.


Units may not exceed the stacking restrictions when entering the map.

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[15.2] Reinforcement Chart

[15.21] Union Army [only]

Appearing on Game-Turn Two on hex 0427, 0528, 0627 and/or 0728:

4 1/2/Xll
4 2/2/Xll
4 3/2/Xll

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[16.0] Union Artillery

General Rule:

For the months of October and November, 1863, the Confederate Army decided to starve the Union Army at Chattanooga into submission by cutting off the Union supply sources. During the two month siege the Union Army used their horses as a source of food rather than as a means of drawing artillery. Not until a portion of Sherman's cavalry were impressed for artillery duty could the Union move their guns any appreciable distances.

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[16.1] Restrictions


No Union artillery units (except the la "Sherman") may be moved. If forced to retreat due to combat, these artillery units are eliminated instead. These artillery units may not advance after combat in any attack.


Union artillery functions in the same fashion as other artillery units in every other way.


The Union la "Sherman" may move normally.

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[17.0] Movement Restrictions

[17.1] Union Movement Quota


During any one Movement Phase, the Union Player may move no more than eleven units. There are no limitations as to the number of Union units which may attack.


Union reinforcements arriving on Game-Turn Two do not count toward the movement restriction until Game-Turn Five. Thereafter, they behave as any other Union unit, i.e., they may either be moved as part of the movement quota or left stationary.


Union units which advance or retreat as a result of combat do not count as part of the movement quota.


The Union Player may move an additional seven units during any Movement Phase in which he controls hex 1025. If the Union Player subsequently loses control of hex 1025, he may not move the additional units.


"Control" is defined as having a unit in the hex or being the last to have a unit move through the hex.


Confederate units do not have any extraordinary movement or combat limitations.

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[17.2] Night Game-Turns

No Union units may move during the Night Game-Turns. Confederate units may move during the Night Game-Turns; they may not enter, but may exit Enemy ZOC's during Night.

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[18.0] Redoubt Hexes


When the term redoubt is used, it refers to both the Union Entrenchments and the Confederate Rifle Pits. They are considered equal in terms of defensive and movement cost purposes.


The "enemy" side of a redoubt hexside is the side which contains the "barbed" redoubt terrain symbol (see the Terrain Key). A defending unit only receives the benefit of the redoubt hexside when attacked exclusively across redoubt hexsides from the "enemy" side (see the Terrain Effects Chart).


Zones of Control do extend across redoubt hexsides. Both Confederate and Union units are eligible to gain the defensive bonus for any redoubt hexside.

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[19.0] Ferry Hexes

[19.1] Restrictions


Any units may cross through the Ferry Hexes - 1305, 1013, 0814 and 0517. Units may only enter and leave a Ferry Hex in the direction of the arrows shown on the map. The Movement Point Cost to enter a Ferry Hex is three Movement Points.


No unit may end its Movement Phase in a Ferry Hex; hence no unit may attack from a Ferry Hex.


Any unit which is forced to retreat into a Ferry Hex is eliminated instead.

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[20.0] Victory Conditions

General Rule:

Victory is determined by the accumulation of Victory Points. Points are awarded to each Player according to the Victory Point Schedule for the elimination of Enemy units and/or for the control of certain hexes.


These Victory Points are awarded for a variety of actions as detailed on the Victory Point Schedule. At the end of the game, the number of Points is totaled for each Player. The Confederate Player subtracts his Point total from the Union Player's Point total to compute a differential. The Players then refer to the Levels of Victory Chart to determine the winning Player.

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[20.1] Victory Point Schedule

[20.11] Points Awarded During Play

1. The Confederate Player receives three Victory Points for each Union unit eliminated.

2. The Confederate Player receives four Victory Points for either of the following hexes 1514 and 1417 if he ever controls either hex during the game (or eight Victory Points if he ever controlled both hexes). These Points are awarded only at the time of control of the hexes, and are only awarded once during the game (see Case 17.15 for definition of "control").

3. The Union Player receives two Victory Points for each Confederate unit eliminated.

[20.12] Points Awarded at Game's End

1. The Confederate Player receives four Victory Points for each Chattanooga town hex which is in the Zone of Control of one (or more) Confederate infantry units. The presence of a Union unit in a Chattanooga town hex does not negate the Zone of Control for Victory Point purposes.

2. The Union Player receives four Victory Points for each of the following hexes 2207, 2311, 2416 and 2419 if he is the last Player to control these hexes (see Case 17.15 for definition of "control").

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[20.2] Levels of Victory

Stated as a differential; Union Victory Points minus Confederate Victory Points

Union Decisive Victory: +26 or more.
Union Substantive Victory: between +16 and +25.
Union Marginal Victory: between +6 and +15.
Draw: between -5 and +5.
Confederate Marginal Victory: between -15 and -6.
Confederate Substantive Victory: between -25 and -16.
Confederate Decisive Victory: -26 or less.

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