14.1 Union Army
14.2 Confederate Army
14.3 Player Sequence
15.1 Restrictions
15.2 Reinforcement Chart
16.1 Union Player
16.2 Confederate Player
17.1 Movement Quota
17.2 Averill's Division
18.1 Union Player
18.2 Confederate Player
20.1 Victory Point Schedule
20.2 Levels of Victory
20.3 Effects of Demoralization on Victory Level
Hooker and Lee is a battle-level simulation of the engagement at Chancellorsville on May 2nd and 3rd, 1863. Union General Joe Hooker had just completed a brilliant strategic maneuver, trapping Lee's Army of Northern Virginia. Hooker's failure to follow up this stroke not only enabled Lee to escape the trap, but also allowed Lee to inflict a tactical beating on the Union Army. Unfortunately, Confederate casualties made theirs a Pyrrhic victory.
On the Initial Deployment and Reinforcement Charts, an 'a' following the unit's Strength means the unit is artillery; a 'c' indicates cavalry; all other unspecified units are infantry.
Hex -Type Designation
0912 9 2/V
1013 4a V
1115 19 1/V
1316 9 3/V
1020 3c 1/ Plesntn (Pleasanton)
1120 4c 2/ Plesntn (Pleasanton)
1416 16 1/II
1715 12 3/II
1615 2a II
1518 17 1/III
1919 16 2/III
1418 8 3/III
1519 6a III
1816 13 1/XII
1817 16 2/XII
1718 3a XII
1716 2a Reserve
1723 9 1/XI
1722 10 3/XI
1524 8 2/XI
1622 2a XI
Hex -Type Designation
2014 4 Wright/A
2115 5 Mahone/A
1914 4 Posey/A
1812 3 Perry/A
1913 4a Garnett/A
1811 4 Wofford/M
1710 5 Semmes/M
1608 6 Kershaw/M
1810 4a Cabell/M
2215 4 Heth/H
2215 5 Lane/H
2114 4 Thomas/H
2114 5 McGwn/H (McGowan)
2013 5 Archer/H
2013 5 Pender/H
2113 3a Walker/H
2213 5 Rodes/R
2213 5 Colquit/R
2112 4 Ramseur/R
2112 4 Doles/R
2212 4 Iverson/R
2212 2a Carter/R
2012 4a Crtchfd (Crutchfield)
2311 5 Paxton/C
2311 2a H Jones/C
2310 5 Colston/C
2310 5 J Jones/C
2209 5 Nicholls/C
1912 3a Alexndr (Alexander)
2320 4c 1/F Lee/S
2219 3c W H F Lee/S
1510 2c 2/F Lee/S
2319 1a Beckhams/S
[14.31] The Confederate Player is the First Player; his Player-Turn is first in each Game-Turn.
[14.32] The game consists of 9 Game-Turns. Game-Turn Five is a Night Turn.
The Union Player, only, receives reinforcements according to the Reinforcement Chart. These reinforcements are placed on the edge of the map in the hex indicated. Reinforcements arrive during the Player's Movement Phase of the Game-Turn indicated. If a reinforcement entry hex is blocked by an Enemy unit (not solely by an Enemy Zone of Control), the arriving units may not enter that hex until the hex becomes unblocked. The Union Player may enter his reinforcements onto the map at any time during his Movement Phase. The Union reinforcement units are not subject to the Union Movement Restrictions (Case 16.0) at any time during the game.
[15.11] Each reinforcing unit expends one Movement Point to be placed on the entry hex. Units may exceed the stacking limitations when entering the map, as long as they conform to those restrictions at the end of the Movement Phase.
[15.12] Once a unit has entered the map, it may move and engage in combat freely, just as any other unit already present.
[15.21] Union Army[only]
.Type Designation
Arriving on Game-Turn Four on hex 0111:
19 1/I
12 2/I
7 3/I
5a 1
Arriving on Game-Turn Five on hex 0128:
4c 1/Averill
3c 2/Averill
[16.11] The Union Player can voluntarily have his units exit the map only through hexes 1501, 2001 and 2107, and then only if those hexes are not occupied or controlled by the Confederate Player's units. The Union Player receives one Victory Point for each Combat Strength Point of his units so exited.
[16.12] Even though such units are not considered eliminated, they nonetheless may not return to the game. The Union Player cannot otherwise voluntarily have his units leave the map. Thus, any units forced (by combat) to exit through these, or any other hexes, are considered eliminated.
[16.21] The Confederate Player can voluntarily have his units exit the map through hexes 1501, 2001 and 2101 if these hexes are not occupied or controlled by the Union Player's units. The Confederate Player receives no Victory Points for units so exited, and such units cannot return to the game. Confederate units exiting the map through these hexes for any reason (even as a result of combat) are not considered eliminated.
[16.22] During the first two Game-Turns, the Confederate Player may voluntarily exit a combined total of 20 units from the map at the Southern edge through hexes 2518 and/or 2514. [This simulates Jackson's flanking maneuver of May 2nd.]
[16.23] Units exited as per Case 16.22 must later re-enter the map at the Western edge as follows: Units which exited on Turn One will return on Game-Turn Four; those which exited on Turn Two will return on Game-Turn Five (the Night Game-Turn).
[16.24] Units re-enter the map at the Western edge anywhere between hexes 1027 and 1928, inclusive, paying the entrance cost of the first hex they are placed on.
[16.25] The Confederate Player should visualize the re-entering units as a column of units entering the map from a chain of hexes off-map, of the same terrain-type as the entry hex. (For example, the first unit re-entering expends one Movement Point; the second unit expends two Movement Points, etc.) If there are more re-entering units scheduled to arrive than can physically be entered onto the map during a given Game-Turn, the un-entered balance is simply brought back into play on the following Game-Turn.
[16.26] These re-entering units are subject to the normal stacking limitations. Re-entering units may enter into Enemy Zones of Control; however, if they are then forced to retreat off the map, they are eliminated.
[16.27] Units leaving the map by this route (the Southern map edge hexes) after Game-Turn Two are eliminated.
The Union Player may not move all his units. He may move only six units (of his choice) each Game-Turn. (There is no limitation, however, to the number of units which may attack.) There is no restriction on the number of units advancing and retreating as a result of combat. Union reinforcements arriving on Game-Turns Four and Five are not subject to or affected by this restriction at any time during the game. The Confederate Player has no movement restrictions.
The units of Averill's Cavalry Division may not cross Ely's Ford until the Union Player rolls a '1' on the die. The die is rolled once for each Game-Turn. As soon as a '1' is rolled, both Averill units may cross (on that Turn or a following Turn). These units may not cross at any other Ferry hex.
Demoralization demonstrates the effect of extensive combat losses. (Players should not use the Attack Effectiveness Option, Case 11.0, in Hooker and Lee.)
If the Union Army suffers combat losses in excess of the following, it becomes demoralized: Before all I Corps units cross river, 47 Strength Points; after all I Corps units cross river, 58 Strength Points. Union losses must exceed these totals to bring about demoralization.
[18.11] Demoralized units may move and attack normally; however, they may not advance after combat.
[18.12] The effect of demoralization is immediate; as soon as the Union Player exceeds his limit, the rest of his units are demoralized. If there are any further battles to be fought that Game-Turn, they are resolved in a demoralized state, with the exception that all combat at odds of less than 1-3 that have already been scheduled for that Game-Turn may be resolved.
[18.13] Union reinforcements arriving on Game-Turn Four (Reynolds' I Corps) may act to 'rally' a demoralized army. [The Union reinforcements arriving on Game-Turn Five (Averill) may not rally Union units.] If all the reinforcement units of Reynolds' I Corps arrive, and Union losses are lower than 59 Strength Points, the Union Player's units are 'rallied.' Union reinforcements have no effect on rallying/demoralization until they all actually cross the Rappahannock River. Rallied units are no longer considered demoralized.
If, at any time during the game, the Confederate Player suffers combat losses in excess of 52 Strength Points, his army becomes demoralized.
[18.21] The effect of demoralization on the Confederate Army is the same as it is on the Union Army.
[18.22] Confederate units may never be 'rallied.'
Union units may not stack. Only one Union unit is allowed to occupy any one hex at the end of a given Phase. A Union unit may move through hexes containing other units, but may never end either the Movement Phase or the Combat Phase stacked with another unit. Confederate units may stack normally.