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[17.0] Victory Conditions

General Rule:

These Victory Points are awarded for a variety of actions detailed on the Victory Point Schedule. At the end of Game-Turn Five, each side totals its Victory Points. If the Confederate Player has a total in Victory Points of 3 to 1 or greater than the Union Player (counting Points for elimination of Enemy units only), and if the Union Player does not occupy hex 1113, 1711, or 2401, the Confederate Player automatically wins the game. If, however, these conditions are not met, Players continue the game through Game-Turn Eleven. Points are then totaled for each Player (including those for occupation of terrain and exiting units). The Player with the higher number of Points wins the game. Players may wish to retain eliminated Enemy units and exited Friendly units to double-check their totals at the end of the game. Infantry Divisions are the six combat units with 10 or more strength points.

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[17.1] Victory Point Schedule

[17.11] Points Awarded During Play

One Victory Point for every Enemy combat Strength Point eliminated.

[17.12] Points Awarded for Exited Units

[17.13] Points Awarded at the Game's End For Occupation of Hexes

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[17.2] Occupation


Occupation is defined as having a Friendly unit physically on the hex or having been the last to have moved a Friendly unit onto the hex in question.


The occupation definition can be met by moving a Friendly unit through the hex in question.


The Confederate Player is considered to occupy hexes 1113, 1711 and 2401 at the beginning of the game. The Union Player is considered to occupy hexes 0206, 0511 and 1504 at the beginning of the game.

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[17.3] Exiting the Map


Units exit the map by expending one Movement Point from the map edge hexes they are on.


Units may only exit the map from hexes 0113, 2027 or 2501.


Units may only exit the map during the movement portion of their Turn. Exited units are not considered destroyed. Units forced to retreat off the map are eliminated instead and treated as such for Victory Point considerations.


Once a unit exits the map, it may not return.


The Confederate Player starts the game with four Victory Points as a result of a previous exit.