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Player's Notes

Scenario I

Japanese Player: In this Scenario, you must avoid the obvious attack on Bloody Ridge, swing your forces to the west of the ridge, over the river, and drive for the airfield through the open terrain. It is to your advantage to sacrifice a few units to pin the main U.S. line. The units on your right wing should start working their way west, picking off any stray U.S. units as they go. The major weapon at your disposal is the ability to land reinforcements behind the U.S. line.

U.S. Player: You should attempt to establish a solid line of infantry while gathering units in the crucial area. The key to victory [even though final victory is control of the airfield] is in destroying the Japanese infantry. These are the heart of any attack, and once eliminated, the Japanese will be hurting for offensive punch.

Scenario II

Japanese Player: This Scenario presents a much different situation. You have more units of every type and would appear to have an even better chance of taking the airfield than in the First Scenario. This is a bit misleading. You will observe that the U.S. Player also has more units and has pushed his perimeter deeper into the jungle. Thus, you must defeat more Americans and cover a greater distance. To accomplish this you must avoid a set-piece battle and strive for maneuver and infiltration. Often, after the U.S. Player has poured his units into the main battle, you will find an opportunity to break through the U.S. left flank. While these things are going on you must also put pressure on the extended U.S. right, but this is usually countered with relative ease.

U.S. Player: Use your strength to bring the fight to the Japanese in the jungles, away from the airfield.


Avoid putting artillery in a position where Enemy infantry can move adjacent, thereby preventing the unit from firing Barrage or FPF. The Japanese Player can often run ashore, pinning a large number of artillery units if the U.S. Player is not careful with his beach defenses. A tactic which should be used whenever possible is to move adjacent to an Enemy line, concentrating your infantry against one or two units and using artillery to perform the necessary diversionary attacks. If the infantry are successful, the Enemy Player will find his line pinned for the Movement Phase and he will be forced to make attacks which might have unfavorable results for him.

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