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[14.0] Victory Conditions

[14.1] Explanation of Victory Conditions

The game is won by scoring Victory Points.

(a) Each Player receives one Victory Point for each Enemy Combat Strength Point which is eliminated from play as a result of Combat.

(b) All Allied units which cannot trace a line of hexes not interrupted by French units or their controlled hexes not occupied by Allied units to an arrow hex at either edge of the map sheet are considered eliminated for Victory Point purposes at the end of the game.

(c) The Allied Player receives three Victory Points for each Allied Combat Strength Point moved off the western edge of the map sheet at an arrow hex.

(d) The Allied Player receives one Victory Point for each Allied Combat Strength Point moved off the eastern edge of the map sheet at an arrow hex.

Points may not be received for units moving off in both directions in a single game. Units expend one Movement Point to exit off the map. Units may not return to the map sheet after having been moved off.

The Allied Player receives Victory Points for exited units only for the map edge off which the greater number of Combat Strength Points have been exited. If an equal number of Strength Points have been exited off both edges, then Victory Points are calculated for the western edge units. Victory Points for exited units are calculated on the face value of the units, regardless of Demoralization.

At the end of Game-Turn Thirteen, Victory Points are totaled for each side. Several Levels of Victory are possible. These levels are stated in terms of the ratios of Victory Points - Allied to French.

[14.2] Victory Levels

Allied Points to French Points Levels of Victory
Less than 1 to 3 French Decisive
Less than 1 to 2 French Substantive
Less than 2 to 3 French Marginal
less than 1 to 1 Allied Marginal
More than 1 to 1 Allied Substantive
more than 2 to 1 Allied Decisive