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[13.4] Grand Battle Game

This game ties all three days of the battle together, so that Players may fight using all of the alternatives open to the original commanders rather than be restricted to a particular day.

Initial Set-Up: 5th Sept., 1812. Only Russian units are deployed as no French have arrived yet.

Game-Turns: 1 through 40.

Victory Conditions:

Each Player has a number of degrees of victory that he may win, as follows:

French Decisive victory: Move 60 Combat Points of units off the east edge of the map between the two roads inclusive before the game ends. Once units are exited they may not return.

French Substantial victory: Russians must have twice as many or more Combat Point losses as the French, with a minimum of 40 Combat points.

French Marginal victory: occupy all redoubt hexes on the map at the end of the game.

Russian Marginal victory: Occupy all redoubt hexes at the end of the game that were on the east side of the Front Line at the beginning of the game.

Russian Substantial victory: French must have more Combat Point losses than the Russians at the end of the game.

Russian Decisive victory: Fulfill requirements of both Russian Marginal and Substantial victories.

Special Rules: Night Movement

General Rule: Between each day of battle. there are two Game-Turns of 'night'.

Procedure: Each Player continues moving in the same sequence as during the days of battle, except that movement is restricted, and combat is forbidden. Units may not engage in combat during these night periods, and are restricted in movement.


(A) During the night Movement Phases no unit may enter an enemy ZOC, but may leave enemy ZOC's.

(B) Units adjacent to enemy units at the end of the 1900 turn may move out of that adjacent hex during either of the two night movement phases. If they do not move out of the hex they are not required to attack.

(C) The Russian Player may not move any of the units north of the Great Redoubt until 1500. Beginning on 1500, the Russian Player may begin moving one unit per Game-Turn. Once a unit has begun moving, it may continue. Thus on 1500, the Russian Player may move one of the frozen units, on 1600 he may move that one plus another one, etc.

(D) All such inactive Russian units are all automatically activated from the first night game turn.