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Napoleon in Italy
14 June 1800

Exclusive Rules

Copyright © 1975, Decision Games and Decision Games


[12.0] Introduction

Marengo is an operational level simulation of the battle between Napoleon's French Army and the Austrian Army commanded by General von Melas, which occurred on June 14, 1800 in Piedmont (Northern Italy). One of Napoleon's first important victories, the battle was decided by the opportune arrival of French reinforcements who robbed Melas of the triumph he had almost achieved earlier in the day. For the rest of his career, on many more famous battlefields, Napoleon often exhorted his troops with the mention of the glorious French victory of Marengo.

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[13.0] Initial Deployment Chart

On the Initial Deployment and Reinforcement Charts, an "a" following the unit's Strength-Type means the unit is artillery; a "c" means cavalry; all other unspecified units are infantry.

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[13.1] French Army

Hex Strength
1111 4-4 44
1110 2-4 101
1312 5-5 24
1412 5-4 43
1411 4-4 96
2310 4-5 69
2311 2-4 28
2409 3-4 22
2410 4-4 40
1808 2-6c Champeux (Cham)
1215 2-7c Kellerman (Kell)
1115 2-6c DuVigneau (DuVi)
2211 2-4a Advanced Guard (AvGd)
1513 2-4a Victor (Vict)
2715 2-4a Reserve (Res)
3213 2-7c Guard (Gd)

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[13.2] Austrian Army

Hex Strength
0608 6-3 Rousseau (Rous)
0708 3-5 Frimont (Frim)
0508 3-3 Bellegarde (Bell)
0507 5-3 St.Julien (StJu)
0406 5-3 Kneswich (Knes)
0407 2-3 Lamarsaille (Lama)
0408 4-3 De Berry (DeBe)
0308 7-3 Latterman (Latt)
0307 7-3 Weiednfield (Weie)
0404 2-3 Gotter sheisheimer (Gott)
0206 4-3 Sticker (Stic)
0105 4-3 Retz
0106 5-3 Ulm
0906 1-3 Pioneers (Pion)
0509 2-5c O'Reilly (ORei)
0607 1-5c Advanced Guard (AvGd)
0606 4-7c Pilati (Pila)
0506 4-5c Nobli (Nobl)
0505 5-5c Nimpitsch (Nimp)
0405 1-5c Vogelsburg (Voge)
0207 1-5c Schellenburg (Sche)
0707 2-3a Advanced Guard (AvGd)
0309 3-3a Main Body (Main)
0205 4-3a Left Column (LCol)
0305 3-3a Right Column (RCol)

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[13.3] Player Sequence


The Austrian Player is the first Player. His Player-Turn is first in each Game-Turn.


The Game Length is fourteen Game-Turns.

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[14.0] Reinforcements

General Rule:

The French Player receives reinforcements according to the Reinforcement Chart. These units are placed on the edge of the map in the hex indicated. Reinforcing units arrive during the French Player's Movement Phase of the Game-Turn indicated.


The French Player may enter his reinforcement units onto the map at any time during his Movement Phase.


Once a unit has entered the map, it may move and engage in combat freely, just as any other unit already present.


Each reinforcing unit expends one Movement Point to be placed on the entry hex. Units may exceed the stacking restrictions when entering the map in the same hex, as long as they conform to stacking restrictions by the end of the Movement Phase.


Units forced off the map by combat are considered eliminated for Victory Conditions.


There are no Austrian reinforcements.

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[14.6] French Reinforcement Chart

Reinforcements may enter the map in Enemy controlled hexes. They may not enter the map if their specified entry hex is occupied by any unit. Instead, they are delayed until the hexes are vacant.

Arriving on Game-Turn Two on hex 3912:

3-4 Consular Guard (CnGd)

Arriving on Game-Turn Four on hex 3912:

4-5 19
3-4 70
4-4 72

Arriving on Game-Turn Five on hex 3912:

2-4a DeSaix (DeSa)

Arriving on Game-Turn Six on hex 3925:

5-5 9
2-4 30
4-4 59

Arriving on Game-Turn Eight on hex 2401:

2-7c Murat (Mura)

Arriving on Game-Turn Eight on hex 2501:

1-7c DuMoulin (DuMo)

Arriving on Game-Turn Eight on hex 2301:

2-6a Cavalry (Cav)

Arriving on Game-Turn Nine on hex 3301:

2-6c Rivaud (Riva)

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[14.7] Game Length

Marengo consists of 14 Game-Turns. All are Day Game-Turns.

.0 Special Rules

[15.1] Special French First Game-Turn Restrictions

For the First Game-Turn (only), all French units have their Movement Allowance halved. In addition, French units are prohibited from entering Austrian Zones of Control during the French Movement Phase of the First Game-Turn.

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[15.2] Special French Counterattack Rule

At the beginning of the French Combat Phase on Game-Turn Nine or any subsequent Game-Turn, the French Player may initiate his counterattack by announcing it to the Austrian Player. All French units have their Combat Strength doubled for three consecutive French Combat Phases, which immediately follow the French Player's announcement. Example: The French Player announces his counterattack at the start of the French Combat Phase on Game-Turn Ten. All French units would have their Combat Strength doubled during the French Combat Phase on Game-Turns Ten, Eleven and Twelve (only). Note that the French units use their normal (printed) Strength for defensive purposes during the Austrian Combat Phases of these three Game-Turns.

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[16.0] Victory Conditions

General Rule:

At the end of the Fourteenth Game-Turn, play ceases and the victor is determined according to the criteria given in the following cases.



The game is considered a French victory if the French Player has eliminated at least 33 Austrian Combat Strength Points and there are a minimum of 10 French Combat Strength Points within four hexes of Marengo (hex 1412) at the end of the game.


The game is considered an Austrian victory if the Austrian Player has eliminated at least 30 French Combat Strength Points and both Marengo (hex 1412) and Pietrabuona (hex 1111) are occupied by Austrian units at the end of the game.


If neither Player eliminates the required number of Enemy Combat Strength Points, victory is awarded to the Player who has satisfied his geographical objectives.


If both Players satisfy their geographical objectives, the game is automatically considered a draw and no consideration is given to the elimination of Combat Strength Points.


Any other result is automatically considered a draw.

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