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[16.0] Victory Conditions

General Rule:

At the end of the Fourteenth Game-Turn, play ceases and the victor is determined according to the criteria given in the following cases.



The game is considered a French victory if the French Player has eliminated at least 33 Austrian Combat Strength Points and there are a minimum of 10 French Combat Strength Points within four hexes of Marengo (hex 1412) at the end of the game.


The game is considered an Austrian victory if the Austrian Player has eliminated at least 30 French Combat Strength Points and both Marengo (hex 1412) and Pietrabuona (hex 1111) are occupied by Austrian units at the end of the game.


If neither Player eliminates the required number of Enemy Combat Strength Points, victory is awarded to the Player who has satisfied his geographical objectives.


If both Players satisfy their geographical objectives, the game is automatically considered a draw and no consideration is given to the elimination of Combat Strength Points.


Any other result is automatically considered a draw.

Any other result is automatically considered a draw.