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Napoleon at Waterloo

June 18, 1815

Screenshot of a game of Napoleon at Waterloo in progress.

Dawn of 18 June 1815 found the French Army of the Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte seemingly on the verge of its greatest victory.  After a mere twelve days of marching and fighting, the French had succeeded in splitting the Prussian Army under Blucher from Wellington's Army for what looked to be the decisive battle of the campaign.  Along a frontage of 15,000 yards, some 72,000 French troops (many of them veterans of long service) supported by 246 guns faced a motley collection of 68,000 British recruits, Hanoverian and Brunswicker levies, and barely-serviceable Netherlander militia feebly supported by a mere 156 guns.  In appraising the possibilities of the situation, Napoleon dismissed the coming battle as 'an affair of a morning'.  He was never more wrong.

Game Details
Number of Hexes: 594
Number of Units: 80
Number of Game Turns: 10

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