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The Peace of Vienna
5-6 July 1809

Exclusive Rules

Copyright © Decision Games & Decision Games 2007


[12.0] Introduction

Wagram is a simulation of the battle which took place between the armies of the Hapsburg Empire under Archduke Charles and the French-Allied armies under Napoleon on July 5th and 6th, 1809. It is a two-Player game on the grand tactical level.

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[13.0] Initial Deployment Chart

On the Initial Deployment and Reinforcement Charts, an 'a' following the unit's type means the unit is artillery; a 'c' means cavalry; all other unspecified units are infantry.

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[13.1] French Army

Within three hexes of hex 0524:

6-4 Morand (Mora)
6-4 Friant (Fria)
6-4 Gudin (Gudi)
6-4 Grandjean (Gran)
6-4 Demont (Demo)
2-6c Grouchy (Grou)
2-6c Montburn (Mont)
1-6c Pully (Pull)
6-4a 1/III
6-4a 2/Ill

Within one hex of 1320:

9-4 Claparede (Clap)
9-4 Tharreau (Thar)
1-6c Colbert (Coib)
8-4a II

Within two hexes of hex 1417:

8-4 D'Hiliier (DHiI)
4-4 Broussier (Brou)
4-4 Lecchi (Lecc)
4-4 Pacthod (Pact)
6-4a 1/Italian (Ital)
6-4a 2/Italian (Ital)
1-6c Gerard (Gera)

Within one hex of hex 0517:

5-4 Old Guard (OlGd)
3-4 Young Guard (YoGd)
4-6c Guard (Gd)
10-4a Guard (Gd)

Within one hex of hex 0514:

8-4 Dupas (Dupa)
8-4 Saxons (Sax)
2-6c IX
6-4a IX

Within two hexes of hex 0714:

6-4 Legrand (Legr)
6-4 Boudet (Boud)
6-4 St. Cyr (StCy)
6-4 Molitor (Moli)
3-6c LaSalle (LaSa)
8-4a 1/IV
8-4a 2/IV

Any hex on Lobau Island:

9-4 Marmont (Marm)
6-4 Reynier (Reyn)
5-4 Wrede (Wred)
6-6c Reserve (Res)
10-1a 1/Reserve (Res)
10-1a 2/Reserve (Res)
10-1a 3/Reserve (Res)

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[13.2] Austrian Army

Hex Strength
1926 6-4 1/Advanced Guard (AG)
2024 6-4 2/Advanced Guard (AG)
1233 1-6c 1/Advanced Guard (AG)
1628 2-6c 2/Advanced Guard (AG)
2026 6-4a Advanced Guard (AG)
2220 9-4 1/Il
2123 8-4 2/Il
2124 8-4 3/lI
2323 1-6c 1/Il
2322 9-4a II
2417 7-4 1/I
2517 7-4 2/I
2319 6-4 3/1
2519 9-4a 1
2223 6-4 1/Iv
2224 6-4 2/Iv
2225 6-4 3/lV
2325 1-6c IV
2326 9-4a IV
2301 6-4 1/Vl
2202 6-4 2/Vi
2201 5-4 3/Vi
2302 2-6c VI
2401 9-4a VI
2908 6-4 1/Reserve (Res)
2407 6-4 2/Reserve (Res)
2710 3-6c 1/Reserve (Res)
2712 3-6c 2/Reserve (Res)
2913 3-6c 3/Reserve (Res)
2405 6-4a Reserve (Res)

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[13.3] Player Sequence

The French Player is the First Player. His Player-Turn is first in each Game-Turn.

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[14.0] Reinforcements

General Rule:

Players may receive Reinforcements according to the Reinforcement Chart. These units are placed on the edge of the map in the hex indicated. Reinforcing units arrive during the Player's Movement Phase of the Game-Turn indicated.



The Owning Player may enter his reinforcement units onto the map at any time during his Movement Phase.


Once a unit has entered the map, it may move and engage in combat freely, just as any other unit already present.


Each reinforcing unit expends one Movement Point to be placed on the entry hex. Units may exceed the stacking restrictions when entering the map in the same hex, as long as they conform to stacking restrictions by the end of the Movement Phase.


Units forced off the map by combat are considered eliminated for Demoralization and Victory Conditions.


There are no French Reinforcements.

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[14.6] Austrian Reinforcement Chart

Reinforcements may enter the map in Enemy controlled hexes. They may not enter the map if their specified entry hex is occupied by any unit. Instead, they are delayed until the hexes are vacant.

Arriving on Game-Turn Three on any hex on the west map edge:

6-4 1/Iii
6-4 2/Iii
5-4 3/Iii
8-4a III

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[14.7] Special Austrian Reinforcement


Napoleon was concerned that the Archduke John would arrive from the east, bringing additional Austrian reinforcements. In the actual event, John never arrived in time, being of cautious nature and content to await the outcome of Wagram, a day's march away. Napoleon didn't know this and had to fight the battle with one eye over his right shoulder. To duplicate this problem, the possibility exists that the Austrian Player will get reinforcements from the east sometime during the second day of battle.


Beginning on the Seventh Game-Turn (first Day Game-Turn of the second day), the Austrian Player rolls the die at the start of his Player-Turn. If he rolls a '1' he receives the reinforcements enumerated in case 14.71 immediately. These reinforcements enter anyplace on the eastern map edge between hex 1134 and hex 2934 (inclusive). If a '1' is not rolled on the Seventh Game-Turn, the Austrian Player repeats this process Turn by Turn until the Eleventh Game-Turn. If the reinforcements are not entered by the Eleventh Game-Turn, they never arrive and are ignored for the remainder of the game.

[14.71] Austrian Special Reinforcements

6-4 1/Sr
6-4 2/Sr
6-4 3/Sr
5-6c SR
7-4a SR


The Austrian Special Reinforcement units may only enter in hexes which are not controlled by French units (exception to 14.6).


If all of the east edge hexes are controlled by French units on the Game-Turn in which the Austrian Player rolls successfully, the Special Reinforcements are held off the map until an east edge hex is free from French control during an Austrian Movement Phase.


The Austrian Special Reinforcements may not be delayed. They must enter the map as soon as possible with the exception of case 14.73.


Except for the restrictions imposed by the preceding case, the Austrian Special Reinforcements are treated exactly like normal reinforcements.

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[14.8] Game Length

Wagram consists of fourteen Game-Turns (Turns Five and Six are Night Game-Turns).

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[15.0] Special Rules

General Rule:

Due to the physical characteristics of certain terrain features and certain units distinct to the Wagram game, the following Special Rules amend the Napoleon at War Standard Rules.



Cavalry and Artillery units are prohibited from crossing a non-bridged stream hexside. Infantry units may cross a non-bridged Stream hexside at a cost of two additional Movement Points. [Note: This rule should be considered an amendment to case 5.25 of the Standard Rules.]


Cavalry and Artillery units' Zones of Control do not extend through a non-bridged stream hexside (exception to 6.4 and 6.6). Cavalry and Artillery may not attack through a non-bridged stream hexside. When they begin the Combat Phase in an Enemy controlled hex, they suffer an automatic Attacker Retreat in lieu of normal combat. Cavalry and Artillery units' Zones of Control do extend through a non-bridged stream hexside for the purposes of rule 7.1.


The French 10-1 Artillery units may never leave Lobau Island.

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[16.0] Demoralization

General Rule:

Demoralization represents the cumulative effect of combat losses on army morale. When an army becomes demoralized, all units of that army permanently lose their ability to exercise an advance after combat (see 7.74 of the Standard Rules).


[16.1] Demoralizaton Levels


The French Army is demoralized at the instant that French combat losses reach a total of fifty Combat Strength Points.


The Austrian Army is demoralized at the instant that Austrian combat losses reach a total of forty-five Combat Strength Points.

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[16.2] Occurrence of Demoralization


Once an army is demoralized, it remains demoralized for the remainder of the game.


Either or both armies may be demoralized. An army is not prevented from becoming demoralized by simple virtue of the other army's having already become demoralized.

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[17.0] Victory Conditions

General Rule:

At the end of Game-Turn Fourteen, victory is awarded to the Player who has amassed the greatest number of Victory Points. Players receive Victory Points for destroying Enemy units and for securing certain territorial objectives either during the course of play or at the conclusion of the game. In addition, the Austrian Player receives Victory Points for exiting units off the map. See the Victory Point Schedule (Case 17.1) for the specific Victory Point awards.


These Victory Points are awarded for a variety of actions as detailed on the Victory Point Schedule (17.1). At the end of the game, the number of Points is totalled for each Player, and the Player with the higher number of Points is awarded a victory.

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[17.1] Victory Point Schedule

[17.11] Points Awarded During Play

1. Each Player is awarded 1 Victory Point for each Enemy Combat Strength Point eliminated.

2. The Austrian Player receives 25 Victory Points at the instant an Austrian unit enters Aspern (hex 0809 or 0810). He receives 30 Victory Points at the instant an Austrian unit enters Essling (hex 0714, 0813, or 0814). He receives 35 Victory Points at the instant an Austrian unit enters Gross Enzerdorf (hex 0516, 0517 or 0616). Note: During the course of the game the Austrian Player may receive Victory Points only once for each of the three listed towns (see 17.12). Victory Points are awarded for entering any hex in a given town, not for each hex in a particular town.

3. The Austrian Player receives 1 Victory Point for each Austrian Combat Strength Point which exits the western map edge. Only Austrian units may voluntarily exit the map and only off the western map edge. An Austrian unit must expend one Movement Point to exit the map. Austrian units which voluntarily leave the map are not counted for Austrian demoralization or French Victory Point purposes (they are not considered eliminated).

[17.12] Points Awarded at the End of the Game

1. The Austrian Player receives the Victory Point value of Aspern, Essling, and Gross Enzerdorf if an Austrian unit occupies any hex in these towns at the end of the game. Example: The Austrian Player would receive 55 Victory Points at the end of the game if one Austrian unit occupied hex 0809 and a second Austrian unit occupied hex 0813. Note: The Victory Points awarded for Austrian occupation of towns at the end of the game are additional to the Austrian Victory Points awarded for entering these towns during the game.

2. The French Player receives 1 Victory Point for each French Combat Strength Point which is on the Russbach Heights at the end of the game.

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[17.2] French initiative and Victory Grades

In the actual battle of Wagram, the French had the burden of attacking if for no other reason than Napoleon simply had to clear the Austrians from the immediate area of the bridgehead, and this meant securing the Russbach Heights at the very least. There was no way he could have simply bivouacked on the Marchfield leaving the Austrians in possession of the hills. For one thing, he was dependent on pontoon bridges for his line of communication to Vienna. If he passively let the Austrians lurk in the immediate vicinity, they might have pounced on him if the Danube flooded. Secondly he wanted to crush the army of Charles before that of John arrived from Hungary.


The French Player must have scored at least seventy-five Victory Points at the game's conclusion or he forfeits the game to the Austrian Player, regardless of the relative Victory Point totals. Thus, for example, if the French Player has scored sixty Points and the Austrian Player only ten, the Austrian Player is the winner.


Victory is graded according to the margin of victory, expressed as a ratio winner's points - to -loser's Points. A ratio of 2:1 or better is a Decisive Victory; 1.5:1 or better is a Substantial Victory; and better than one 1:1 is a Marginal Victory.

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