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[16.0] Demoralization

General Rule:

Demoralization represents the cumulative effect of combat losses on army morale. When an army becomes demoralized, all units of that army permanently lose their ability to exercise an advance after combat (see 7.74 of the Standard Rules).


[16.1] Demoralizaton Levels


The French Army is demoralized at the instant that French combat losses reach a total of fifty Combat Strength Points.


The Austrian Army is demoralized at the instant that Austrian combat losses reach a total of forty-five Combat Strength Points.

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[16.2] Occurrence of Demoralization


Once an army is demoralized, it remains demoralized for the remainder of the game.


Either or both armies may be demoralized. An army is not prevented from becoming demoralized by simple virtue of the other army's having already become demoralized.

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