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Order of Battle
French Army
Imperial Guard Drouot
Grenadiers Bde. Friant, Bde. Roguet.
Chasseurs Bde. Morand, Bde. Michel.
1st Young Guard Div. Barrols Bde. Chartrand, Bde. Guye.
Cay. Old Guard Mortier Div Lefebvre-Desnoettes, Div Guyot.
Corps Assets Old Guard Lallemand, Old Guard Duchand, Young Guard.
I Corps D'erlon
1st Div. Allix Bde. Quiot, Bde. Bourgeois.
2nd Div. Donzelot Bde. Schniitz, Bde. Aulard.
3rd Div. Marcognet Bde. Nogues, Bde. Grenier.
4th Div. Durutte Bde. Pegot, Bde. Brue.
Corps Assets 1st Cay. Div. Jacquinot, Desales.
II Corps Reille
5th Div. Bachelu Bde. Husson, Bde. Campi.
6th Div. Jerome Bde. Baudin, Bde. Soye.
7th Div. Girard Bde. De Villiers, Bde. Piat.
9th Div. Foy Bde. Gauthier, Bde. Jamin.
Corps Assets 2nd Cay. Div. Pire, Pelletier.
III Corps Vandamme
8th Div. Lefol Bde. Billiard, Bde. Corsin.
10th Div. Hubert Bde. Gengoult, Bde. Dupeyroux.
11th Div. Berthzene Bde. Dufour, Bde. Lagarde.
Corps Assets 3rd Cay. Div. Domon, Doguereau.
IV Corps Gerard
12th Div. Percheux Bde. Rome, Bde. Schoeffer.
13th Div. Vichery Bde. Le Capitaine, Bde. Desprez.
14th Div. Bourmont Bde. Hulot, Bde. Toussaint.
Corps Asset 7th Cay. Div. Maurin, Baltus.
VI Corps Mouton
19th Div. Simmer Bde. Bellair, Bde. Jamin.
20th Div. Jearnn Bde. Bony, Bde. Tromelin.
21st Div. Teste Bde. Laffitte, Bde. Penne.
Corps Assets Noury.
I Cavalry Corps Pajol 4th Div. Soult, 5th Div. Subervie, IC Cotheraux
II Cavalry Corps Exelmans 9th Div. Strolz, 10th Div. Chastel, IIC Godet.
III Cavalry Corps Kellermann 11th Div. L'Hertier, 12th Div. d'Hurbal, IIIC
IV Cavalry Corps Milhaud 13th Div. de St. Alphonse, 14th Div. Delort, IVC Duchet.
British Army
I Corps Orange
3rd Br. Div. Alten 5th Br. Bde. Halkett, 2nd KGL Bde. Omptede, 1st Han. Bde.
1st Br. Div. Cooke 1st Guards Bde. Maitland. 2nd Bde. Byng, Adye.
3rd Neth. Div. Chasse 1st Bde. Detmers, 2nd d' Aubreme, van der Smissen.
2nd Neth. Div. Perponcher 1st Bde. Bijlandt, 2nd Nas. Bde. SaxeWeimar, van Opstal.
Neth. Cay. Div. Collaert Carab Bde. Trip, 1st Bde. Ghigny, 2nd Bde. Lt. Merlen.
II Corps Hill
2nd Br. Div. Clinton 3rd Br. Bde. Adam, 1st KGL Bde. du Plat, 3rd Han. Bde.
Halkett (H), Gold.
4th Br. Div. Colville (-) 4th Br. Bde. Mitchell.
5th Br. Div. Picton 8th Br. Bde. Kernpt, 5th Han. Bde. Pack, Heisse.
Brunswick Corps Lt. Bde. Buttler, Line Bde. Specht, Mahn, 2nd Hussar.
6th Br. Div. Cob 10th Br. Bde. Lambert, 4th Han. Bde. Best, 1St Nassau Rgt.
Kruse, Bruckmann.
Cavalry Uxbridge Household Bde. Somerset, 2nd Union Bde. Ponsonby, 4th Bde.
Vandeleur, 3rd KGL Bde. Dornberg, 5th Bde. Grant, 6th Bde. Vivian, 7th KGL Bde.
Arentschildt, 1st Hanoverian Bde., Fraser.
Prussian Army
I Corps Ziethen
1st Bde. Steinmetz 12th Line, 24th Line, 1st West Land.
2nd Bde. Pirch II 6th Line, 28th Line, 2nd West Land.
3rd Bde. Jagow 7th Line, 29th Line, 3rd West Land.
4th Bde. Henkel 19th Line, 4th West Land.
Corps Assets Bde. Treskow, Bde. Lutzow, I Lehrnen, I.
II Corps Pirch I
5th Bde. Tippelskirchen 2nd Line, 25th Line, 5th West Land
6th Bde. Kraft 9th Line, 26th Line, 1st Elbe Land.
7th Bde. Brue 14th Line, 22nd Line, 2nd Elbe Land.
8th Bde. Langen 21St Line, 23rd Line, 3rd Elbe Land.
Corps Asset Bde. Thumen, Bde. Schulenberg, Bde. Sohr,IIRohl,U.
III Corps Thielman
9th Bde. Borcke 8th Line, 36th Line, 1st Kur Land.
10th Bde. Kampfen 27th Line, 2nd Kur Land.
11th Bde. Luck 3rd Kur Land, 4th Kur Land.
12th Bde. Stulpnagef 31st Line, 5th Kur Land, 6th Kur Land.
Cavalry Hobe Bde. der Marwitz, Bde. Lottum, Mohnpt, III.
IV Corps Bulow
15th Bde. Losthin 18th Line, 3rd Sil Land, 4th Sil Land.
16th Bde. Hiller 15th Line, 1st Sil Land, 2nd Sil Land.
13th Bde. Hacke 10th Line, 2nd Neu Land, 3rd Neu Land.
14th Bde. Ryssel 11th Line, 1st Porn Land, 2nd Porn Land.
Cavalry Wilhelm Bde. Sydow, Bde. Schwei-m, Bde. Watzdorf, IV Bardleben.
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