Copyright © Decision Games 2007
June 1815 finds a triumphant, but beleaguered Napoleon again on the throne. Napoleon is outnumbered and virtually surrounded; his only chance to maintain the throne and the position of France is to gain a significant military victory. To succeed against these overwhelming odds, Napoleon boldly decides on an offensive designed to destroy two of his opponents and drive the English from the continent. At the field of Ligny, the Prussian I, II and III Corps concentrated to face the French invaders. The day is hot and Napoleon does not move decisively until 2:00 P.M.; he awaits the arrival of D'Erlon's Corps. The Prussian forces are ensconced in extremely strong positions along the Ligny Creek and in the several towns in the area. Napoleon waits until late in the afternoon to launch a concerted attack by the Imperial Guard and the IV Corps, which drives the Prussians back in disarray. The Prussians are badly hurt and Napoleon is convinced that they are out of the campaign; but it is not the decisive defeat that Napoleon had hoped for.
Both Prussian Levels are reduced by three Points for each hex listed below while occupied by French units. Ligny: 0922, 1021, 1022, 1122. St. Amand: 0423, 0524, 0624.
The French player wins if the Prussian Demoralization Level is reached and French losses are lower than 35 Strength Points. The Prussian player wins the instant French losses reach 35 Strength Points, or if the French fail to gain a victory.
If the Prussian Army ever reaches its Disintegration level the French player is the winner.