
Grouchy's Folly, June 18-19, 1815

Screenshot of a game of Wavre in progress.

The Prussians barely manage to keep the remnants of their shattered army together, but they fall back parallel with the British rather than away from them as Napoleon had hoped they would. Blucher gives Wellington assurance that he will, indeed, be available to assist Wellington if the need should arise. Wavre, a town on the Dyle River in Belgium, formed the focal point of the Prussian retreat and served as the rallying ground for their defeated army. Grouchy, partly be�cause of his late start on the 17th and partly because of a poorly conducted pursuit, is several miles away from the Prussians as the 18th dawns. By 12P.M. he has not yet begun to move his army, and despite the fact that the sounds of a heavy cannonade are coming from the west in the general vicinity of Waterloo he does not move towards them.

Game Details
Number of Hexes: 986
Number of Units: 59
Number of Game Turns: 8

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