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Battle for Tobruk
November 1941

Exclusive Rules

Copyright © 1976, Decision Games


[15.0] Introduction

Crusader is a simulation of the combat between the forces of the British Empire and those of Germany and Italy in the Western Desert of Egypt and Libya during the British Winter 1941 Offensive. The offensive was code-named Operation Crusader.

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[16.0] Supply Sources

General Rule:

The Axis Supply Sources are hexes 0908 (El Adem), 3409 (Bardia), 3513 (Sollum) and any hex on the west edge of the map. The British Supply Sources are hex 1103 (Tobruk) and any hex on the east edge or south edge within eleven hexes of the east edge of the map. To be in supply, a unit must trace a Supply Path, of any length, to one of these Supply Sources, in the manner prescribed in Section 12.0.

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[17.0] Tobruk Defenses

[17.1] Effect on Zones of Control

An Axis unit is not required to attack an adjacent British unit, If they are separated by a Minefield hexside and the hex which the Axis unit occupies is exactly three hexes away from hex 1003. This exempts such Axis units from Case 7.2, which requires Friendly units to attack adjacent Enemy units. This exemption may be utilized or ignored at the Axis Player's option, while he is the Phasing Player. If he ignores the exemption, Case 7.2 applies, and all adjacent Allied units must be attacked. If the Axis Player uses the exemption, the Axis unit simply remains Inactive and In place during his Combat Phase, although it maintains its Zone of Control.

All of the Allied Fortified Box Hexes are considered to be surrounded by Allied minefields on all hexsides. Allied units in these hexes receive the Fortified Box benefits as described in Case 10.3 of the Standard Rules.

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[18.0] British Diversion

General Rule:

During the actual battle, a reinforced British Brigade Group made a diversion in the area south of the map.


[18.1] Effect of British Diversion (This is executed by the computer AI)

At the start of his Movement Phase on Game-Turn Six, the British Player rolls one die. If he rolls a "one" through "four" the diversion has failed and there is no effect If he rolls a five or six, however, the diversion has succeeded. If the diversion succeeded, the British Player rolls the die again. A roll of "one" or "two" means that one German unit must be permanently exited from the west edge of the map board by the end of Game-Turn Eight. A roll of "three" or "four" means that two German units must exit in this fashion. A roll of "five" increases the number to three German units forced to exit. A roll of "six" requires four German units to exit.

[18.2] Axis Penalty

If the Axis Player fails to exit the number of units required by Case 18.1, the Allied Player may remove that number of Axis units from anywhere on the map at the end of Game-Turn Eight. Note: Axis units which exit the map in accordance with Case 18.1 are not considered eliminated for Victory Point purposes. [PC Version: The computer AI selects the strongest remaining Axis units to be withdrawn automatically].

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[18.3] Exiting the Map

In addition to the restrictions stated in Section 14.0, Axis units may only exit from the west edge of the map, and British units may only exit from the south or east edge of the map. Axis units may not exit the map board before Game-Turn Six.

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[19.0] Scenarios

General Rule:

Crusader includes three Scenarios. These are the Campaign Scenario, encompassing the entire action; the Sidi Rezeg Scenario, representing the first six days of the action; and the Dash to the Wire Scenario, which represents a key part of the offensive.

The instructions for each Scenario include each Player's Initial Deployment. Units are identified by their Combat Strengths and Movement values. Units must be deployed in the specific hexes listed. Also included in each Scenario are Special Rules, the length in Game-Turns and Victory Conditions.


Place a unit of the specified type on each of the hexes listed for that type. Hex numbers are shown in parentheses following each unit's designation. Unit designations are provided for reference only. Players may ignore them.

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