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Game Notes

Operation Crusader is a game of mobile warfare. The British Player must never lose sight of his objective, the relief of Tobruk. Yet to accomplish this, he must first defeat the Axis forces opposing him. To do this, he cannot sit around. The strategy of a slow, slugging march up the coast from Hellfire Pass is doomed before it starts. The British must strike swiftly at the Axis positions and go for the heart of their strength, the big German armored units. Never pass up a chance to surround and destroy one of these, even if it means having to use a recce regiment or two as an expendable screen. The Axis Player, on the other hand, cannot conduct a static defense, If he simply forms a line and waits for the British to come to him, he will find the British numerical superiority swamping him everywhere. The Axis Player must be active, agile and aggressive, shifting forces, staging counter-attacks, attempting to cut-off the British armored spearheads. The Axis Player is aided by the fact that time is on his side and that his goals are simply to deny the British their victory, or to make it prohibitively costly.

A Note on Unit Designations

RECAM=Italian Army Reconnaissance, Bers=Bersaglieri (Italian elite troops), NZ=New Zealand, Pol=Polish' Carpathians, I=Indian, Gds=Guards, KRRC=King's Royal Rifle Corps (60th Rifles), RB=The Rifle Brigade (95th Rifles), SG=Scots Guards, RTR=Royal Tank Regiment, HUS=Hussars, RIH=Royal Irish Hussars, KDG=King's Dragoon Guards, CLY=County of London Yeomanry (Sharpshooters), SA=South African, CIH=Central India Horse, RGH= Royal Gloucestershire Hussars.

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