Axis Player: In this Scenario, the Axis Player must destroy enemy units, and make his way to the eastern map edge to exit units. He will only rarely be able to do the latter, and he will take Alamein only from an incompetent Allied Player.
The Player should take care not to overextend himself. One of his major difficulties will be in getting units across the first line of Allied mines. He will make a slow, steady push for the edge of the board.
For the first two Turns, the Axis Player's objective should be to get his units across the Allied lines as quickly as possible, and to advance as far as possible without endangering his position. On his first move, he should position his units so as to be able to make the maximum possible attacks on the Allied unit atop Qaret el Himeimat, and that in the southern part of the Allied mines. Only if the Axis Player is able to destroy the majority of the Allied armor will he be able to sweep around the position at Alamein and off the board.
Allied Player: For the First Turn, the only thing the Allied Player will be able to do is stare at the board while the Germans advance. Thereafter, he must work swiftly to contain the Germans. He should immediately move his artillery south. The three Allied armor units that begin in the south-eastern section of the board must form the mainstay of the southern Allied flank. The units along the Alam Haifa Ridge should cautiously advance south, and the units in the north along the mine line should be stripped from that line and sent south. Whenever the Allied Player sees a chance to kill one of the German Panzer regiments, he should seize it with glee. If he manages to destroy but one of the regiments, the Axis offensive will be severely crippled, and the destruction of both will effectively destroy all Axis hope of continuing the offensive.
On the last few Turns, the Allied Player should try to make up his early losses by destroying as many of the withdrawing German units as possible. Assuming, of course, that the Germans are forced to withdraw.
If the German offensive succeeds too well, the Allied Player can always fall back to the Alam Halfa Ridge line.
Allied Player: Players with an historical knowledge of the battle will often attempt an offensive across the northern portion of the Alamein line; however, a southern offensive is often as effective.
Whatever the case, the main Allied objectives in the opening Turns of the game should be to cut through the enemy mines as quickly as possible, and to destroy enemy units.
The main Allied strength is his artillery; this should always be placed sufficiently far forward to reach any enemy or friendly units that may need to be affected.
The major Allied offensive through the mines should be made with infantry, but a wave of 4-3-12 armor units should be immediately behind the breakthrough.
Axis Player: As the Axis in this Scenario, the major objective is to hold on as long as possible. It is nearly inevitable that, sooner or later, the Allies will be able to penetrate the line. It's merely a question of time.
When the Axis line begins to crumble, the Axis Player should set up a thin screen of slower moving units, and get the rest of his units off the board as expeditiously as possible.
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