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Victory Conditions

The winner is determined on the basis of Victory Points which are awarded for the Strengths of Enemy units eliminated, and for capturing and holding (in supply) certain geographic objectives at the end of the Soviet Motorized Movement Phase,

Players receive one point for each Attack or Defense Strength point of the Enemy eliminated. If a Motorized unit is eliminated, triple the number of Victory Points which would ordinarily be gained, If a KG unit is eliminated five times the number of Victory Points which would ordinarily be gained,

Each side receives the following points for being in supplied possession of the following objectives: Kursk-20; OreI-20; Bryansk-30; Kharkov-40; Belgorod-10.

Levels of Victory

As we all know, victory comes in many varieties, and what may be legitimately claimed as a current victory is not decisive enough to help your cause. These different levels measure what each side needed for a certain level of-victory. This expressed in a ratio of your Victory points to Enemy Victory points.


Marginal 1 to 1 for both Germans and Soviets;
Tactical 2 to 1 for Germans; 1.5 to 1 for Soviets;
Decisive 3 to 1 for Germans; 2 to 1 for Soviets.

Control of Cities

A city is considered controlled if it has been occupied previously by one side's forces and is now behind that side's front lines, or if it is occupied in entirety by one Player's units which are in supply, even if there is an Enemy Zone of Control extending into the city. Cities not clearly occupied by either Player give their Victory points to neither side.

The Front Line

General Rule:

Each Player must keep a line of units or their controlled hexes from the north edge of the map down to the row of hexes running to the South edge of the map. While it is desirable that a continuous line of units/zones of control is maintained from the North to the South this is not essential. Only that there is an appropriate friendly presence in each column of hexes.


At the end of each Friendly Player-Turn, the map is examined to see if there is any point at which he does not have a hex column containing at least one friendly unit or its zone of control. If there are any hexes not so covered between portions of this line, he is penalized.


(A) For purposes of this line, Zones of Control do extend into Enemy occupied hexes.

(B) If at the end of any particular Friendly Player-Turn, a Player Is unable to fulfill the above conditions, he is penalized: For each hex of the required line not covered by enemy units or their controlled hexes the Axis Player receives one Victory Point, the Russian Player two victory points.

(C) Units with a bracketed combat factor and any non-Divisional/Corp units can only be of the front line as they are too small to project a zone of control.